Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

Boost Your Brand Messaging to 100+ million Americans


(Constance Burke) - Lets talk brand Messaging, Lets talk brand Message. In today's world of Cooperative Reach in digital information and endless choices in agencies, LKPFM Corp directs campaigns making your brand and message stand out to the ideal customer at the right time with the right angle.  In fact, brand messaging is built through creativity and strong data. This takes, Time, Effort and access to proper recourses. Our NEW Online Access Point to Print, Newspaper, and Digital provides is this just that.

Smart strategies and innovative approaches are the keys to successfully deliver your message to your target audience. We are a communications company specializing in media placement, offering an approach he that will help you stay ahead of the competition and build your successful media campaign with Consultation and Directed Media to gain warm market new contacts and Guaranteed reads for your growth. 

“Determination, direction and perseverance of growth market potential will shape the future of online, print, and virtual communications in the modern era,” According to the LKPFM media team. “With Corporate Inception in 2016 our strength of continuity of service provides sustained messages, crafted stories and tailored communications to reach your desired market.”

Our media placement organizations, access 100+ million Americans in print newspapers as well as digital platforms, and provides reports of instant readership verification in your Campaigns.

Consider some of the most iconic brands, Simple Messaging "The Power of Brands' Investors Relations Message said it all as a Cooperative Reach in industry's driving success. from evolving scratch to existing companies all built their way to the top through smart marketing techniques that target their desired audiences "Adapt and Thrive"

LKPFM Corp is ready with immediate online service to help us create a standardized way for you of conveying your corporate values and products to the public through Daily Media Placements at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

New access point allows brands, businesses, and entities wishing to communicate with U.S. markets to register through a portal for creating approved news copy. The platform allows for easy dissemination of syndicated copy directing the build a consistent and effective message for target markets. The extensive placement helps build investor confidence as well, with demonstrated effectiveness for delivering tangible sales and results to upcoming and established markets.

The syndication network ensures that your stories are placed direct to consumers nationwide through media outlets that they regularly read, viewed, trusted and tracked. Specific services include campaign design, marketing research consulting, and editorial content/PR writing.

For more information about how to share your brand to the right audience and stay ahead of the competition, visit