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Most popular dog breeds in America

Using the American Kennel Club's 2023 rankings, released on April 9, 2024, Stacker compiled a ranking of the 100 most popular dog breeds in the U.S.


Yellow lab rolling around in the grass with its tongue out.

Tara Lynn and Co // Shutterstock

Choosing a loyal companion is one of the most important decisions a pet owner can make. Each year, the American Kennel Club tracks dog registrations to see which breeds are the most popular in the United States. For 31 years straight, from 1991 to 2021, the Labrador retriever has topped the list—but watch out, there's a new breed occupying the #1 spot.

Stacker used the AKC's 2023 rankings, released on April 9, 2024, to compile the 100 most popular breeds out of the total 200. Data for last year's rankings come from the 2022 edition, released in 2023. The AKC only analyzes data dealing with purebred, registered breeds, so mixed breeds aren't counted in the final tally. Still, the list includes various dogs, from tiny lap dogs and mighty hunters to prime show dogs and loyal, royal companions. The sheer amount of breeds ranked is a reminder of the diverse tastes of dog owners in America and the many different types of beloved pups.

Several obvious factors influence a breed's national popularity year in and year out: ideal size, maintenance, hypoallergenic coats, disposition, temperament, and, of course, name recognition. If you are looking for your first dog for companionship in a city apartment, easy choices are reliable, compact French bulldogs or Boston terriers. Choosing the first family dog for small children and ample backyard space make retrievers a traditional option.

From centuries-old dogs bred for royalty to familiar faces used in duck hunting and fox intimidating, there's a dog out there for everyone. Need proof? Look no further than the 100 different breeds that complete this list of the most popular pooches.

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#100. Flat-coated retriever


- 2023 popularity rank: #103 (up 3)

The AKC deemed this relatively recent breed the "Peter Pan of the sporting group" for its youthful vibrancy and happy-go-lucky attitude known for constantly wagging its tail. The breed is named for its flat-lying coat, which is either black or dark reddish-brown.

#99. Bouvier des Flandres


- 2023 popularity rank: #98 (down 1)

In some European countries, the Bouvier des Flandres is considered an ideal police dog. However, they have their share of fans stateside as well—one of the most famous is former President Ronald Reagan.

#98. Leonberger


- 2023 popularity rank: #114 (up 16)

This German breed is a true gentle giant. The Leonberger (Leo for short) can weigh up to 170 pounds, but don't let that fool you—they are known for their friendliness and grace as much as for their power and size.

#97. English setter


- 2023 popularity rank: #93 (down 4)

The class of English gentleman who loved hunting is responsible for this breed. English setters have gorgeous speckled coats, a height of around 25 inches, and a reputation for getting along with everyone.

#96. Standard schnauzer


- 2023 popularity rank: #94 (down 2)

These cute pups were actually bred to seek out vermin—and their trademark whiskers serve a purpose. The fur mats together to prevent rats and other small animals from biting them while they hunt.

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#95. American Staffordshire terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #87 (down 8)

They may be large, but American Staffordshire terriers are gentle in nature. In fact, they make great family dogs thanks to the breed's ability to be excellent guardians and affectionate toward their owners.

#94. Border terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #95 (up 1)

Border terriers were bred to hunt small game; they don't make good pets for households where hamsters or gerbils reside for that very reason. However, if you're looking for a competitive breed, you can't do better than these wiry dogs. Border terriers have been known to annihilate the competition in Earthdog trials.

#93. Dogo Argentino


- 2023 popularity rank: #88 (down 5)

Muscular and athletic, the Dogo Argentino was originally bred to hunt large animals, including pumas, which required agility and strength. As its name implies, this dog's origins are in Argentina. Today, the breed is making inroads with Americans, who like the dogs for their loyalty and excellent companionability.

#92. Brussels griffon

Okssi // Shutterstock

- 2023 popularity rank: #97 (up 5)

This uncommon little breed is often confused with the Yorkshire terrier, but the Brussels griffon is very much its own dog. Perhaps best known to people from the movie "As Good as It Gets," the Brussels griffon loves snuggling and—believe it or not—climbing, cat style.

#91. Pekingese


- 2023 popularity rank: #96 (up 5)

Imperial China took their love for Pekingese seriously. In fact, if you were caught stealing one, it was an offense punishable by death. While that part of their history is intense, their time in the palaces of China made them the lovable lap dogs they are today.

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#90. Coton de Tulear


- 2023 popularity rank: #84 (down 6)

The Coton de Tulear was once the official dog of Madagascar, and only royals were allowed to own it. Thanks to their affable personalities, the breed has become more popular.

#89. Keeshond


- 2023 popularity rank: #90 (up 1)

In the 18th century, the Keeshond was the dog of the Dutch Patriots Party. However, these days, they're perhaps best known for their "monocle" markings that make them look like they're wearing glasses.

#88. Chow chow


- 2023 popularity rank: #92 (up 4)

Like the Chinese shar-pei, the chow chow has a trademark blue tongue. Cat lovers thinking about adopting a dog would do well to consider this breed since they are considered the cats of the canine world for being finicky. Just like feline friends, chow chows tend not to care much about strangers and prefer to do their own thing.

#87. Greater Swiss mountain dog


- 2023 popularity rank: #83 (down 4)

The greater Swiss mountain dog is a working dog blessed with a tri-color coat beloved for its great strength and adaptability. These animals love activities and will happily go hiking or learn agility tricks.

#86. Rat terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #85 (down 1)

Yes, they hunt rats, but these little dogs are also born stars. Between starring in Shirley Temple films and inspiring documentaries, this breed has more than its share of devoted fans.

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#85. Lhasa apso


- 2023 popularity rank: #86 (up 1)

The Lhasa apso is considered sacred in Tibet, the dog's country of origin. Many Tibetan people believe the dogs play a crucial step in the reincarnation process and that before a priest could be reborn as a human, he would first be reincarnated as a Lhasa apso.

#84. Dogue de Bordeaux


- 2023 popularity rank: #78 (down 6)

This big, drooling breed has an equally large heart. While they can strike an imposing figure, these gentle giants make excellent therapy dogs.

#83. Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever


- 2023 popularity rank: #81 (down 2)

In the 19th century, these Nova Scotia retrievers were often used to lure ducks for hunters. As sporting dogs, these retrievers need plenty of exercise to burn off their excess energy each day.

#82. Anatolian shepherd dog

CharlitoCZ // Shutterstock

- 2023 popularity rank: #79 (down 3)

Some Anatolian shepherd dogs guard sheep in Namibia as part of the Livestock Guarding Dog Program. Their presence there has also helped protect cheetahs from being shot by farmers since the big cats are afraid of the dogs.

#81. Basenji


- 2023 popularity rank: #91 (up 10)

Depictions of basenjis were found carved in the Great Pyramid of Khufu, proving these curly-tailed pups have a long history. Whether they're popping up in works of art or drawing lions out of their lairs in Africa, this breed is nothing short of dynamic.

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#80. Lagotto Romagnolo


- 2023 popularity rank: #76 (down 4)

There is only one purebred dog breed recognized for its truffle-finding skills: the lagotto Romagnolo. The dogs are used all around the Italian countryside to find delectable fungi.

#79. Chinese crested


- 2023 popularity rank: #80 (up 1)

These little dogs are neither fully hairless nor of Chinese origin. The Chinese crested dog is thought to have originated in Africa, but it became popular as ratters on Chinese ships, which earned it its name. The breed is notably fluffy for being supposedly hairless and requires a bit of routine grooming to keep its unique look tidy.

#78. Biewer terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #77 (down 1)

Recognized as a breed by the American Kennel Club in 2021, the Biewer terrier (pronounced like "beaver") is known for its fun-loving, whimsical personality. Known for carrying around toys in their mouths, this breed is the first to be recognized as a purebred due to a genetic study.

#77. Old English sheepdog


- 2023 popularity rank: #74 (down 3)

Disney loves this long-haired breed. Not only did an Old English sheepdog star in "The Shaggy Dog," animated versions of the breed appeared in "The Little Mermaid" and "101 Dalmatians."

#76. Irish setter


- 2023 popularity rank: #71 (down 5)

Americans' love for Irish setters may have started with a dog named Elcho, the first Irish setter to become a statewide show dog in the late 1800s. Elcho is believed to have fathered 197 puppies.

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#75. Boykin spaniel


- 2023 popularity rank: #82 (up 7)

These dogs were bred in South Carolina specifically to ride with hunters on small boats to hunt game. As a result, Boykin spaniels are loyal, energetic, and love to be around people.

#74. Miniature pinscher


- 2023 popularity rank: #72 (down 2)

Contrary to popular belief, the miniature pinscher is not a miniature Doberman pinscher. They're far more closely related to the Italian greyhound and terrier breeds. These little dogs are known for being a tad bit stubborn, but they're perfect for people who love active pups.

#73. Irish wolfhound


- 2023 popularity rank: #89 (up 16)

This breed is so old that it has its own motto. In ancient Rome, Irish wolfhounds were said to be "gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked." The dogs came by the motto naturally, as the fierce dogs were big game hunters who could easily take down elk.

#72. Staffordshire bull terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #75 (up 3)

Like other bull terriers, this breed was originally bred to fight. However, these dogs have happily transitioned into loving companion dogs today.

#71. Alaskan malamute

Tatyana Kuznetsova // Shutterstock

- 2023 popularity rank: #67 (down 4)

These furry pups were bred to haul cargo across frozen terrain, but they're now happy to be companion animals. The malamute is a large, caring breed that makes an excellent family pet.

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#70. Chinese shar-pei

David Raihelgauz // Shutterstock

- 2023 popularity rank: #68 (down 2)

A devoted dog lover named Matgo Law made it his mission to save these wrinkly pups from extinction. When owning pets became a luxury in Communist China, Law pleaded for other countries to help him save the breed. After Life magazine picked up the story in 1979, the Chinese shar-pei became an in-demand breed stateside.

#69. Soft-coated wheaten terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #66 (down 3)

Soft-coated wheaten terriers stand as high as 19 inches and weigh up to 40 pounds. Famous for what has come to be known as the "Wheaten greetin'," an incredibly crazy display of affection upon welcoming their owners home, these exuberantly playful pups were originally bred as farm dogs expected to herd livestock, hunt down potentially destructive pests, and protect their owners' homes from perceived threats with a signaling bark. Today, they make fantastic family pets due to their exceptionally outgoing personality and reputation for playing well with kids.

#68. Cairn terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #70 (up 2)

The Cairn terrier holds a special place in pop culture history. One little pup named Terry took on the role of Toto in "The Wizard of Oz," ensuring that the breed was forever immortalized on the big screen.

#67. Airedale terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #65 (down 2)

The largest terrier breeds, the Airedales were instrumental in World War I when they served as messengers and guard dogs. Don't be fooled, though—they may be the largest terriers, but they possess just as much energy as their smaller counterparts.

#66. Russell terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #73 (up 7)

Russell and Parson terriers (also known as Jack Russell terriers) originated from the same dedicated breeder, the Rev. John "Jack" Russell. What makes the Russell terrier a bit different is the breed's short stature; the dog was bred with short legs to make it easier to carry on hunts.

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#65. Bull terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #64 (down 1)

Thanks to its distinctive look, the bull terrier has a history of being the spokesdog for famous brands. Notable members of the breed include Target's Bullseye and Bud Light's Spuds Mackenzie—who, despite being a ladies' man in the commercials, was actually a female named Honey Tree Evil Eye.

#64. Great Pyrenees


- 2023 popularity rank: #69 (up 5)

King Louis XIV's court loved this breed so much that they were declared the royal dog of France. Despite their upper-crust fans, the dogs were actually bred to watch over flocks at night. As a result, even today they're considered nocturnal.

#63. Cardigan Welsh corgi


- 2023 popularity rank: #62 (down 1)

Despite not being Queen Elizabeth II's preferred corgi breed, Cardigan Welsh corgis have been around longer than their Pembroke cousins. These reliable little animals are farm dogs at heart, and they're right at home working with livestock or keeping mice out of the barn.

#62. Italian greyhound


- 2023 popularity rank: #63 (up 1)

In the past, Italian greyhounds were the favorite dogs of aristocrats. Their sleek look and love of being in their owners' laps make it easy to see why so many people fall for this breed. Italian greyhounds aren't just terrific snugglers; they're also extremely fast and can run up to 25 miles per hour.

#61. German wirehaired pointer


- 2023 popularity rank: #59 (down 2)

These wirehaired dogs can hunt during any season and on almost any terrain, which helped increase their popularity over the years. Whether diving into a lake or running through tall grass, this breed seldom allows its prey to get away.

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#60. Bullmastiff


- 2023 popularity rank: #61 (up 1)

Originally bred to be guard dogs, the bullmastiff is muscular and fearless and makes a great family companion. Possibly the most famous bullmastiff in America is Butkus, Sylvester Stallone's pet, who appeared in the movie "Rocky" when they couldn't afford a trained movie dog.

#59. Scottish terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #60 (up 1)

Scottish terriers were all the rage in the United States during the 1930s. They even charmed President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose Scottie, Fala, was called the "most photographed dog in the world."

#58. Akita


- 2023 popularity rank: #55 (down 3)

Originally known simply as snow country dogs, Akitas hail from the mountainous region of Japan where they were used to track and hunt wild boar, deer, elk, and bears. Author and activist Helen Keller is said to have brought the breed into the U.S. in 1937, and Akitas have since become known for their remarkable loyalty. The most famous Akita in history is Hachikō, a dog that waited for its owner for more than nine years after his death. Their most recognizable features are their webbed toes and curly, plush tail.

#57. Wirehaired pointing griffon


- 2023 popularity rank: #57 (no change)

This breed has webbed toes for swimming, but they're also adept pointers. Wirehaired pointing griffons were specifically bred for their versatility as hunting dogs.

#56. Giant schnauzer


- 2023 popularity rank: #58 (up 2)

Giant schnauzers demand respect, but once they have it, they will make exceptional guard dogs. They're also keen workers that thrive on tasks, even ones as simple as fetching your shoes.

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#55. St. Bernard


- 2023 popularity rank: #56 (up 1)

Anyone who grew up in the 1990s may be compelled to name their St. Bernard Beethoven thanks to the breed's starring role in the family film franchise. That 1992 movie and its subsequent sequels displayed St. Bernards as slobbery-yet-loyal beasts, but that is an improvement over their portrayal in 1983's horror flick "Cujo." In reality, St. Bernards are large, friendly, and hard-working dogs famous for their Alpine rescues of lost and injured hikers.

#54. Chesapeake Bay retriever


- 2023 popularity rank: #52 (down 2)

Chesapeake Bay retrievers were originally used to hunt and retrieve ducks in Maryland's Chesapeake Bay. Today, the dog remains a hunting breed known to be an ideal companion for people across the United States. Chessies are generally less friendly than Labrador or golden retrievers and are best suited to those with a commanding presence who prefer a protective hunting companion over an obedient pet.

#53. Bloodhound


- 2023 popularity rank: #50 (down 3)

The exact origins of the "sleuthhound," as the breed is sometimes called, are unknown. Bloodhounds became popular during medieval times, and the "blood" part of their name means "of aristocratic blood" due to princes and other noble church members owning packs of these dogs. Bloodhounds are known for their droopy, wrinkled features and their distinct sense of smell, which can often help law enforcement locate criminals and missing persons.

#52. Australian cattle dog


- 2023 popularity rank: #48 (down 4)

Australian cattle dogs have a dash of dingo and a bit of dalmatian in them. This makes the breed terrific at herding and deeply loyal.

#51. Whippet


- 2023 popularity rank: #54 (up 3)

Like greyhounds, these quiet dogs are also quite fast. The sporting breed was a favorite among textile workers in the 1900s, many of whom were responsible for introducing the sleek dogs to America.

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#50. Samoyed


- 2023 popularity rank: #53 (up 3)

Samoyeds are true descendants of the wolf. The howls of this breed actually sound like singing, and when they're in a group, they appear to be harmonizing.

#49. Portuguese water dog


- 2023 popularity rank: #46 (down 3)

The most famous Portuguese water dog owners in recent history are former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama. The family's pups, Bo and Sunny, no doubt contributed to the breed's spike in popularity.

#48. Weimaraner


- 2023 popularity rank: #44 (down 4)

Weimaraners are said to have been developed by German aristocrats who crossbred bloodhounds with German and French hunting dogs. Once used in big-game hunts tracking bears, deer, mountain lions, and wolves, Weimaraners have since evolved into canine sidekicks that want to be with their owners all the time. Because of this stealthy shadowing characteristic, the dogs earned the nickname "gray ghosts." Weimeraners' hunting instincts have not completely disappeared, as the dogs are still happy to chase and kill anything resembling small prey—including mice, birds, cats, and even small dogs.

#47. Dalmatian


- 2023 popularity rank: #49 (up 2)

The spotted dalmatian has been long associated with firefighters—and for good reason. These hardworking pups used to work well with horses in the days before fire engines and would run ahead of firefighters to clear a path as they made their way to the scene. When firefighters transitioned from wagons to trucks, the breed adapted with them.

#46. Shiba Inu


- 2023 popularity rank: #43 (down 3)

The Shiba Inu (Japanese for "brushwood dog") is a very independent breed. Because of this, the dogs are next to impossible to train; however, what they lack in obedience, they make up for in loyalty. After the 2004 Chūetsu earthquake, a Shiba Inu helped rescue workers locate her elderly owner trapped beneath the rubble. The ordeal was adapted into a movie called "A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies." Shiba Inus are also known to frequently groom themselves similarly to cats and emit piercing screams when unhappy or afraid.

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#45. Papillon


- 2023 popularity rank: #51 (up 6)

Called papillon thanks to its butterfly-like ears, this toy breed isn't big on lounging. Papillon owners should be prepared to spend a great deal of time playing with and exercising their energetic pups.

#44. Bichon frise


- 2023 popularity rank: #47 (up 3)

The bichon frise loves to be the center of attention. They are highly trainable and easily perform new and exciting tricks. In fact, this breed's knack for entertaining originally earned it a spot in the circus. Today, the breed is considered the ultimate companion thanks to its cheerful demeanor and cloudlike white fur coat that makes the dog resemble a child's toy. Because of their exceptional affection, these dogs are also prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time and heartbreak if subjected to scoldings or harsh training.

#43. West Highland white terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #45 (up 2)

Although small in size and quite cuddly looking, West Highland white terriers have very high energy levels and are unlikely to settle for being someone's lap dog. Commonly called Westies, the dog was originally bred in Scotland to hunt foxes, badgers, otters, and rats. A West Highland white terrier has long served as the mascot for the Caesar Pet Food company. At the same time, the breed has most recently been prominently featured in the 2018 comedy "Game Night" starring Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams.

#42. Newfoundland


- 2023 popularity rank: #42 (no change)

Newfoundlands are known to be sweet-tempered with watchful eyes. Perhaps that is why author J.M. Barrie chose one to be the nursemaid dog Nana for Wendy, John, and Michael in "Peter Pan"—just one of many representations of the breed in pop culture. Newfoundlands were originally bred as working dogs, pulling nets out of the water and hauling wood from the forest for their working-class owners. They have since earned their place in the home, enjoying a slower lifestyle with the occasional physical activity, particularly swimming.

#41. Rhodesian Ridgeback


- 2023 popularity rank: #41 (no change)

Rhodesian ridgebacks are most easily recognized by the naturally occurring ridge found along their spines, for which they have been dubbed "the dog with a snake on its back." This breed has also been commonly called "African lion hound," thanks to the dog's history of distracting lions for big-game hunters in Africa. Rhodesian ridgebacks need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to satisfy their active, energetic, and protective instincts.

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#40. Collie


- 2023 popularity rank: #39 (down 1)

Known for their sheep-herding abilities and outstanding loyalty, collies are considered to be very compassionate, intelligent dogs. This breed is easy to train, protective of its family, and excellent with children. Although there have been many collies featured in pop culture over the years, the most recognizable one is Lassie, a canine character that has been the subject of multiple television series and major motion pictures, and one of only a few animal actors to have its own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

#39. English cocker spaniel


- 2023 popularity rank: #40 (up 1)

During a period from the 1930s until the 1950s, the English cocker spaniel was the most beloved dog breed in America. While they've never quite reached that popularity again, these sweet animals remain a favorite among pet owners.

#38. Mastiff


- 2023 popularity rank: #37 (down 1)

Mastiffs are descendants of ancient Molossers, which are said to have originated in Tibet or northern India where they were used to guard flocks against predators. Mastiffs are considered one of the world's largest breeds, standing about 30 inches tall and weighing 120 pounds to 230 pounds. A 343-pound mastiff named Zorba earned his status as the world's heaviest dog, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Although their massive size makes them immediately intimidating, these dogs are surprisingly patient and affectionate, just as the kids in the 1993 movie "The Sandlot" discovered.

#37. Maltese


- 2023 popularity rank: #38 (up 1)

Maltese have been around through the ages. Its exact origin is unknown, but the breed is believed to have been developed in Malta, and representations of it have shown up in early Greek, Roman, and Egyptian cultures. Typically weighing less than 7 pounds, Maltese are known for their long white coats that give them an elegant appearance. This, paired with the dog's uncanny athleticism, makes the breed a favorite at show competitions.

#36. Pug


- 2023 popularity rank: #35 (down 1)

The history of pugs goes back 2,000 years when they were developed to serve as refined pets for emperors of China. These dogs are clowns at heart and love to be the center of attention, which is not hard to pull off thanks to their big eyes, wrinkly faces, curly tails, and tongues that often stick out for all the world to see. Pugs snort, snore, and wheeze and cannot tolerate high heat or extreme exercise.

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#35. Vizsla


- 2023 popularity rank: #33 (down 2)

Vizslas were initially introduced to the U.S. in 1950 when one was smuggled out of Communist Hungary. Magyar hordes first used them as hunting dogs before being bred to serve as pointers and retrievers for Hungarian nobles. They have since earned the nickname "Velcro vizslas" due to their desire to stay close to their owners. Vizslas are very active dogs with a strong sense of smell, qualities that have made them great at competitions, drug detection, and search-and-rescue.

#34. Basset hound


- 2023 popularity rank: #36 (up 2)

The basset hound's most recognizable trait is a toss-up between its droopy puppy dog eyes and ear-piercing howls. The breed is also known for its keen sense of smell, second only to bloodhounds. Basset hounds have been frequently featured in pop culture, including Walt Disney animated films and an array of television series such as "The People's Choice," "Columbo," and "The Dukes of Hazzard."

#33. Belgian Malinois


- 2023 popularity rank: #32 (down 1)

Most commonly associated with police work, the Belgian Malinois is known for its exceptional tracking abilities. These dogs can detect odors, hunt down suspects, and find injured persons in search and rescue missions better than most other breeds. Because of this, these dogs are used by the Secret Service to guard the White House grounds. The breed's popularity rose after one appeared in the 2015 family film "Max," but it is important to remember that these dogs require plenty of stimulation and exercise, or they may develop destructive and neurotic behaviors.

#32. Chihuahua


- 2023 popularity rank: #34 (up 2)

The Chihuahua is much more than Taco Bell's former spokesdog. These small dogs have very big personalities and perhaps even bigger hearts. Chihuahuas develop exceptionally strong bonds with their owners, a quality that has contributed to the phenomenon of young women carrying the breed around in their purses wherever they go. Standing between 5 inches and 8 inches tall and weighing at most 6 pounds, Chihuahuas are naive about their small stature and are considered to be one of the world's best watchdogs thanks to their alertness and proclivity to bark at suspicious activity.

#31. Border collie


- 2023 popularity rank: #30 (down 1)

Border collies, such as the one featured in the family film "Babe" and its sequel "Babe 2: Pig in the City," originated in the hilly border country between Scotland and England. Their trademark "herding eye" made them excellent for controlling flocks of sheep, a task for which they are still commonly used today. In addition to sheep herding, border collies are great competitors in agility, flyball, flying disc, and other dog sports. Border collies are an ideal fit for owners with active lifestyles.

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#30. Cocker spaniel


- 2023 popularity rank: #29 (down 1)

Contrary to what Disney's "Lady and the Tramp" would have you believe, cocker spaniels do not and should not eat spaghetti. Easily identified by their big puppy dog eyes and their long, lush ears, cocker spaniels are the American Kennel Club's smallest sporting spaniel and stand at just 14 inches or 15 inches tall at the shoulder. They are also exceptionally easy to train and very affectionate companions that are gentle with children, the elderly, and other pets. It is important to remember that in addition to being lovers, cocker spaniels are also hunters—and very athletic ones at that.

#29. Miniature American shepherd


- 2023 popularity rank: #31 (up 2)

Miniature American shepherds resemble Australian shepherds, just on a smaller scale. Whereas their larger counterparts measure about 18 inches to 23 inches tall at the shoulder, miniature American shepherds stand 14 inches to 18 inches tall. These dogs were selectively bred in the 1960s from small Australian shepherds in the U.S. rodeo circuit to further reduce their size. Their small size and intelligence make them popular picks for travelers and those who frequent livestock shows—especially for their portability and reliability in herding.

#28. Brittany


- 2023 popularity rank: #28 (no change)

Brittanys get their name from the area where they were developed hundreds of years ago: the westernmost region of France. They are primarily bird dogs, hunting anything and everything covered in feathers. Brittanys tend to be hyperactive and are therefore best paired with owners who can match their boundless energy with plenty of physical stimulation. Their exceptional exuberance also makes them quality companions for children—albeit only those big enough not to get trampled by the dog during one of its bursts of enthusiasm.

#27. English springer spaniel


- 2023 popularity rank: #26 (down 1)

The English springer spaniel's name is derived from the way in which the dog "springs" at game to flush it out for hunters. These dogs are typically bred as either hunting dogs or show dogs, but never both. One thing they all excel at, though, is pleasing their owners and becoming valuable members of a family, including those with children and other pets. These dogs cannot resist a long walk, a friendly game of fetch, swimming, or anything else that provides quality time with their people.

#26. Shetland sheepdog


- 2023 popularity rank: #27 (up 1)

Shetland sheepdogs were once described as miniature collies since they resemble that breed, albeit on a smaller scale, and they come in a variety of unique markings. Commonly called Shelties, Shetland sheepdogs originated in Scotland's Shetland Islands, which is also where Shetland ponies and Shetland sheep got their start. These dogs integrate very well into families but can be wary of strangers and therefore have been known to be loud barkers. These qualities make Shetland sheepdogs excellent watchdogs.

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#25. Havanese

Sandra Huber // Shutterstock

- 2023 popularity rank: #25 (no change)

The breed's name is derived from Havana, the capital city of Cuba, where it began in the 1600s as a lapdog for aristocrats and wealthy planters. This history of pampering has imprinted upon the breed a reputation for being spoiled rotten, as these house dogs stick to their owners like glue, crave lots of attention, and become anxious if left alone for too long or exiled to the backyard. However, this also makes Havanese people-pleasers easy to train and teach agility tricks.

#24. Siberian husky


- 2023 popularity rank: #21 (down 3)

Siberian huskies were originally developed by the Chukchi people in Siberia as working dogs to pull heavy sleds over long distances. They were introduced to the U.S. in the early 1900s when they began to compete in Alaskan sled races and have since been featured in films like "Snow Dogs" and "Eight Below." Siberian huskies are pack dogs that are particularly independent and difficult to train but still very affectionate. It is especially important to have a properly fenced backyard for this breed, as Siberian huskies are highly athletic and known to be serial escape artists.

#23. Boston terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #24 (up 1)

Boston terriers' roots are said to begin in England, where someone crossbred a bulldog with the now-extinct white English terrier for the purpose of pit fighting. That dog, which was sold to an American and brought in the late 1800s to Boston, is believed to be the common ancestor of all true Boston terriers. Despite these origins, the breed would rather show affection than aggression. The dog's black-and-white, tuxedolike pattern, paired with its great manners, have earned the breed the nickname "The American gentleman."

#22. Pomeranian


- 2023 popularity rank: #23 (up 1)

Pomeranians are popular among celebrities and are descendants of full-size sled dogs, which likely explains their excessive energy level. In addition to featuring the vigor of a big, athletic dog, this breed is rarely intimidated by strangers and other animals.

#21. Bernese mountain dog


- 2023 popularity rank: #22 (up 1)

Bernese mountain dogs are originally working dogs from Swiss farmlands, where they were bred to herd cattle and pull carts. Sometimes referred to as "Berners," these dogs have been known to pull up to 10 times their body weight. Bernese mountain dogs tend to become very attached to their owners, especially children, and can express a great deal of affection. For that reason, these dogs make excellent therapy dogs. Because of their large size and hauling capabilities, Bernese mountain dogs make ideal companions for hikers as they don't mind pulling the extra weight of a backpack or other supplies.

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#20. Shih tzu


- 2023 popularity rank: #20 (no change)

Translated from Chinese to English as "lion dog," shih tzus were originally bred in China to serve as lapdogs for royalty. Centuries later, they have not forgotten their pampered roots. Shih tzu live for naps on the laps of their owners. This breed is among the friendliest in the world, constantly showing affection and always eager to make new friends of the 2- and 4-foot variety.

#19. Great Dane


- 2023 popularity rank: #19 (no change)

Possibly best known for their fictional counterparts Scooby-Doo and Marmaduke, this giant breed's physical size is matched only by the size of its heart. Commonly standing as tall as 32 inches at the shoulder, Great Danes are often referred to as the "Apollo of dogs." They are gentle giants with very affectionate personalities and sometimes seem to be oblivious about their size as they enjoy cuddling up on owners' laps. However, while Great Danes are tender to their family members and other friendly individuals, these dogs will not hesitate to protect loved ones if the need arises.

#18. Boxer


- 2023 popularity rank: #16 (down 2)

Boxers are probably best known for their wrinkled worrisome faces. Don't let those sad expressions fool you—these dogs are exceptionally playful and full of energy. These qualities have earned boxers the honor of being occasionally called the "Peter Pan of dogs," an especially appropriate title since they have one of the longest puppyhoods in the world and do not reach maturity until they turn 3.

#17. Miniature schnauzer


- 2023 popularity rank: #17 (no change)

Miniature schnauzers are possibly most recognizable for their bushy beards and eyebrows, features that protect their faces from the vermin they were originally bred to hunt. These dogs still perform pest-control duties and are instinctively curious about mice, gerbils, and even small birds—so they may not be the best dogs for families with small pets.

#16. Cane corso


- 2023 popularity rank: #18 (up 2)

Also known as "bodyguard dogs," the cane corso was originally bred as a guard dog that could also hunt wild boar. Usually standing at least 28 inches tall and weighing more than 100 pounds, the muscular appearance of this dog may be enough to ward off intruders. Cane corsos do not typically demonstrate their affection for their owners or their families through requests for attention or touch—they communicate their love through "woo woo woo" sounds and snorts.

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#15. Doberman pinscher


- 2023 popularity rank: #15 (no change)

Doberman pinschers have a reputation for being sleek guard dogs, especially in films like "Hugo," "Resident Evil," and "Beverly Hills Chihuahua." They were originally bred to be such in Germany during the late 19th century. That said, these dogs have proven themselves to be much more than the sinister attack dogs that pop culture continues to portray them as. While they remain great guard dogs, they never look for trouble alone and typically only attack when defending their family from perceived threats. Dobies are actually very loving companions who view themselves as their families' protectors.

#14. Cavalier King Charles spaniel


- 2023 popularity rank: #14 (no change)

Cavalier King Charles spaniels were named in honor of King Charles I and his son, King Charles II, European nobility who were especially fond of toy spaniels. Standing 12 inches to 13 inches tall and weighing just 13 pounds to 18 pounds, these spaniels are one of the larger toy breeds—not that this fact stops them from wanting to cuddle up on their owners' laps.

#13. Yorkshire terrier


- 2023 popularity rank: #13 (no change)

Yorkshire terriers are descendants of dogs that were used to hunt rats in coal mines, textile mills, and factories of England during the Industrial Revolution. Today, Yorkshire terriers' beautiful, floor-length silky coats have made the dogs favorites among fashionistas. It's important to note that Yorkshire terriers have short tempers and tend to nip when anxious or annoyed.

#12. Australian shepherd


- 2023 popularity rank: #12 (no change)

Contrary to what their name suggests, Australian shepherds developed in the U.S. during the 1840s. Nicknamed "Aussies," these shepherds are among the smartest and most loyal of any dog breed. It is not uncommon for Australian shepherds to outsmart their owners, so it is best to keep the minds of these dogs occupied with various household tasks like bringing in the newspaper. Aussies are also one of the most versatile dog breeds in the world, excelling at herding, obedience, agility, and even rodeo events.

#11. Pembroke Welsh corgi


- 2023 popularity rank: #11 (no change)

Do not allow the Pembroke Welsh corgis' short legs to fool you—they are one of the most effective herding dogs in the world. But while they have proven themselves to be hard workers, these dogs are also extremely affectionate and outgoing, with regal personalities that lend themselves to pampering.

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#10. German shorthaired pointer


- 2023 popularity rank: #10 (no change)

German shorthaired pointers were originally bred in Germany during the late 1800s as a dog that would instinctively perform a variety of hunting-related duties. The breed's name is partially derived from the arrow-like stance the dog exhibits while locating prey. German shorthaired pointers' high energy makes them good company for long hikes, while their strong work ethic and desire to please make them all-around excellent additions to any family.

#9. Rottweiler


- 2023 popularity rank: #7 (down 2)

Rottweilers have a history of being hard-working dogs. Originally bred in Germany to drive cattle to butchers and pull carts filled with meat, rottweilers were later used as police dogs before eventually settling into their current jobs as very reliable guard dogs. They have an uncanny natural instinct to protect their owners, families, and homes and have earned a reputation for being aggressive and ferocious in their defense methods. But when properly trained and socialized, rottweilers can be quite loveable and even forget that they are too big to be lap dogs.

#8. Beagle


- 2023 popularity rank: #8 (no change)

The beagle is said to have been derived from an old French word that translates into English as "gaped throat." That is likely because beagles bark, howl, and bay—especially when their uncanny sense of smell picks up something that intrigues them. Their noses have about 220 million scent receptors, exponentially more than humans' roughly 5 million scent receptors.

#7. Bulldog


- 2023 popularity rank: #6 (down 1)

Much like the one featured in the 2002 comedy "Van Wilder," bulldogs tend to be quite flatulent. Originally bred to fight bulls for sport, this breed has made a place for itself in homes where they can essentially be couch potatoes and a constant source of amusement for families.

#6. Dachshund


- 2023 popularity rank: #9 (up 3)

Dachshunds have many nicknames including "wiener dog," but their name actually translates from German to English as "badger dog." That's because this breed originated more than 600 years ago to hunt badgers and even fight them to the death. Their incredible sense of smell, paired with their short legs and long bodies, made these hounds the perfect little exterminators of burrowing critters.

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#5. Poodle


- 2023 popularity rank: #5 (no change)

Originating in Germany as duck retrievers, poodles have since earned a reputation of royalty due to their success at show competitions and meticulous hairdos. While many poodles of the standard and miniature varieties live relatively luxurious lives and develop superiority complexes as the alpha of a family, poodles are also extremely intelligent and capable of learning a variety of tasks and tricks.

#4. German shepherd


- 2023 popularity rank: #4 (no change)

The German shepherd may be the most versatile dog breed, as it has made a name for itself in a variety of industries including law enforcement, the military, search and rescue, herding, and drug detection. These dogs tend to become very attached to their owners and are therefore affectionate and prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.

#3. Golden retriever


- 2023 popularity rank: #3 (no change)

Golden retrievers may very well be the all-American dog, especially if you consider their frequent appearances in movies like "Air Bud" and television series like "Full House." But before coming to the U.S., golden retrievers were bred in Scotland for the purpose of retrieving game for hunters. While they can certainly still perform those duties, golden retrievers are now more prone to retrieving their owner's newspapers and slippers. Goldens are exceptionally easy to train but are among the least effective guard dogs, thanks to their highly affectionate instincts.

#2. Labrador retriever


- 2023 popularity rank: #2 (no change)

Labrador retrievers originally hail from Newfoundland, where they were bred to be water dogs that could help hunters retrieve ducks and fishermen pull in nets. Their "otter tails" assist them with these tasks by acting as powerful rutters. This breed is one of the most frequently portrayed dogs in movies and on television, with appearances ranging from "Family Guy" and "Lost" to "Old Yeller" and "Marley and Me." The breed was also the first to grace the cover of Life magazine in 1938 and a U.S. postage stamp in 1959.

#1. French bulldog


- 2023 popularity rank: #1 (no change)

The French bulldog's trademark feature is its erect bat ears, but this breed has a lot more going for it than its bulldog-like face in miniature size. This dog is among the most affectionate of breeds, although its attachment issues can manifest as possessiveness. It's imperative to socialize this breed as much as possible.

Story editing by Cynthia Rebolledo. Copy editing by Lois Hince. Photo selection by Michael Flocker.

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